About the project

Project number:KA220-SCH-0AD5C09C
Erasmus+ Programme, KA2, Strategic Partnerships in School Education

This project has been co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European- Union.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


As one of the means to achieve the European Education Area by 2025, the EC highlights the pivotal role of education and training leadership, which should be taken into account when developing favourable environments and conditions for the development of competences and motivation of teachers, trainers and educational staff, thus ensuring that education and training institutions operate as learning organisations. Currently, principals are overloaded with administrative burden and do not have the time and the resources to lead the strategic reforms of their institutions. As the COVID-19 pandemic spread across the globe, many schools struggled to react quickly and adequately.

The LEADERSHIP ACADEMY project is seeking to combine various different methods to ensure that the school leader of today can successfully recover from the crisis, deal with the increased autonomy and lead their school towards an effective digital transformation.
Since the 1st May 2022, the leading Slovak publishing house, in partnership with renown asociations and organisations from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Bulgaria, has started to implement the transnational project LEADERSHIP ACADEMY The project aims to support in developing of an innovative approach which will support principals in a relevant and meaningful manner.


• To develop an innovative approach for addressing school leaders’ needs through the use of participatory approaches, coaching and distributed leadership practices, as well as increasing their effectiveness for the benefit of the school community;

• To support school leaders to be ready to integrate good practices and new methods into daily activities (incl. strategic planning of professional development for staff in line with individual needs and organisational objectives) and to be open to synergies with organisations active in different fields;

• To improve school leaders management competences;

• To contribute to a more modern, dynamic, committed and professional environment.


the target group of the LEADERSHIP ACADEMY project are mainly school leaders (principals) at primary and lower secondary education.
