Project objective

Our effort will be focused on the development of a comprehensive toolkit to include all three project outputs. The collaboration between publishing house and project partners will not only contribute to the high quality of the outputs. Still, it will also ensure that our target group will use the resources that are extensively tested and evaluated to ensure maximum applicability, usefulness, and potential for further exploitation.

The Leadership Academy Handbook – methodological guidance for school leaders in „VUCA“ (Volantility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) post-COVID world with focus on topics such as: effective leadership styles, crisis management, resilience, change management, delegation, motivation, communication, etc.

The Leadership Academy Platform – an online OER to contain e-books and information on leadership; best practice examples on school leadership and case studies from the project; database of coaches for school management to choose from in order to sustain the transformational change in the applied leadership practices; to host online sessions for the Leadership Academy Circles.

The Leadership Academy Professional Circles Methodology – a methodology for setting up and holding structured professional development circles for school leaders to be moderated by coaches, during which principals share and discuss their everyday challenges wit regard to leadership.
